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CREATIVE POST - ELITE #1 Classified Ad Posting Software! [ Members Special ]


New member

I believe you have a good heart and try to do the best for people, however, your support team I believe have dropped the ball.
I have asked for help solving is issue from the previous version. I have PM'ed You, admin and get taken on a loop. If there is a issue that's fine just let me know.
Also, since this upgrade was only $10 I thought I would see how different this version is compared to the old version. I was hesitating on getting it because of other people having issues with the download link. Well its Sunday evening and only a few more hours for this promo and needless to say the link is not there after purchase, just as others have said. It keeps going back to the sales page and no link. I can't believe this hasn't been fixed yet.

Like I said I believe you have a good heart, but your team needs a wake up call.


New member
I seem to be having a similar problem of getting looped back to the salespage. I've registered and received the welcome email with my login info (My Website ? Log In) but after trying to login it just sends me back to the salespage (CREATIVE POST ELITE ? #1 CLASSIFIED AD POSTING SOFTWARE « My Website)

If I go back to the JVZoo download area and access the purchase and try to login as an existing member it sends me here: My Website

Also was there a OTO or upgrade? Somebody mentioned one, or was this an upgrade from a previous version? After my purchase I was sent straight to the JVZoo download area, kinda shocked me to NOT see a OTO or something.


Guillermo Mata

Ok came back to this to see if anything has changed or been responded to but not yet. So here's more feedback in case others are having same issue. If anyone was able to download the Elite upgrade, please post how you did it.

I got the email below and when I clicked the link, takes me to a login screen, and when I use the permissions sent in that email...it just loops me to the sales page again.

Here's the email I got:
You have successfully registered as one of our CREATIVEPOST -ELITE members.

Please keep this information safe as it contains your username and password.

Your Membership Info:
U: (intentionally removed)
P: (intentionally removed)

Login URL: My Website ? Log In

Would like to get going with this GM....so please let me know how to hurdle this.

PS - already cleared cache...using Mozilla, AND tried using IE and got the same result...after logging in it loads your sales page again and no download link ability for the Elite is seen or available.

send me a pm with your receipt.

Guillermo -

Guillermo Mata

I seem to be having a similar problem of getting looped back to the salespage. I've registered and received the welcome email with my login info (My Website ? Log In) but after trying to login it just sends me back to the salespage (CREATIVE POST ELITE ? #1 CLASSIFIED AD POSTING SOFTWARE « My Website)

If I go back to the JVZoo download area and access the purchase and try to login as an existing member it sends me here: My Website

Also was there a OTO or upgrade? Somebody mentioned one, or was this an upgrade from a previous version? After my purchase I was sent straight to the JVZoo download area, kinda shocked me to NOT see a OTO or something.


strange you mind posting a screen shot?

Guillermo Mata


I believe you have a good heart and try to do the best for people, however, your support team I believe have dropped the ball.
I have asked for help solving is issue from the previous version. I have PM'ed You, admin and get taken on a loop. If there is a issue that's fine just let me know.
Also, since this upgrade was only $10 I thought I would see how different this version is compared to the old version. I was hesitating on getting it because of other people having issues with the download link. Well its Sunday evening and only a few more hours for this promo and needless to say the link is not there after purchase, just as others have said. It keeps going back to the sales page and no link. I can't believe this hasn't been fixed yet.

Like I said I believe you have a good heart, but your team needs a wake up call.

Thanks for your post.

But i have to disagree my team has been diligently attending all tickets keeping everyone posted daily.
We always ask for a 24 hour wait. But in some cases we'll get back sooner even me.



New member
That's fine. However, I bought the product Sunday evening with no download link and noticed that other people were having the same problem Saturday morning. This is the reason I bring this up.
If there is a problem that can't be fixed until later, I'm sure people would understand if you let them know. But having this continue throughout your launch all weekend is what I see as the problem.
When will the link be fixed?


Eric Hilton

New member
Ok so while waiting for a reply I figured I'd just Register as New Member for Elite...nope, says my email is already in the database so no go that way either. Can you just post the link to download the Elite update? Don't mind buying the updates and appreciate the great pricing, but man this challenge to get the download links each time is burning me a bit. Going to soak in the jacuzzi for awhile to soak my head and come back to this a little bit. BTW...I cleared my cache, using Mozilla etc. so now you have all the symptoms and I just need a download link please!

I'm having the same problem. I even tried registering with a new email, but when I try to login at creative-post/wp-login.php, I'm redirected to the sales page here: CREATIVE POST ELITE ? #1 CLASSIFIED AD POSTING SOFTWARE « My Website.


New member

I, alongside others, do not have access to the new software because there is no download link. Upon registering and logging in it redirects to the sales page. You need to fix you funnel. People are upset and rightfully so.

I also toiled with this purchase decision because of lack of support for Creative Post, but thought I would give you a second chance.........

Please forward me the download link to the email on file for user: sgam11

Or fix your funnel, whichever you see fit.

Guillermo Mata

That's fine. However, I bought the product Sunday evening with no download link and noticed that other people were having the same problem Saturday morning. This is the reason I bring this up.
If there is a problem that can't be fixed until later, I'm sure people would understand if you let them know. But having this continue throughout your launch all weekend is what I see as the problem.
When will the link be fixed?


send me a pm the issue has been fixed

Guillermo Mata


I, alongside others, do not have access to the new software because there is no download link. Upon registering and logging in it redirects to the sales page. You need to fix you funnel. People are upset and rightfully so.

I also toiled with this purchase decision because of lack of support for Creative Post, but thought I would give you a second chance.........

Please forward me the download link to the email on file for user: sgam11

Or fix your funnel, whichever you see fit.

send me a PM via the forum for access we where having server issues.


New member
Why is it that after registering for "Creative Post Elite" and logging in, I get the sales page? Where is the download link for "Creative Post Elite"? Please forward the download link to me if there is something wrong with the membership site.

Thank you,

Willie House-Bey


New member
Hello GM....thought I would check to see if there is anything new being posted about getting the ELITE download link available?

I sent you a PM already with my payment receipt...not looking for a refund yet, but would like to hear from you about the issue we're all wrestling with. Please drop an update for everyone so we know an estimated ETA for resolution.

Thanks Dave