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CREATIVE POST - ELITE #1 Classified Ad Posting Software! [ Members Special ]

Guillermo Mata





This Is A Paid Advertisement For A Web Development Group Product
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New member
This seems a wonderful offer, As i regularly use online ad posting services like Craigslist etc, and the additional feature of Email scrapping is a major plus to this tool. Posting ads again and again and renewing is very troubling and long process, but this tool will help me achieve all that by doing this Automatically.
The email scrapping feature with support to major websites like Google+, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Craigslist makes Emailing easy.

The feverr integration allows to hire freelancers on the go for required Jobs.

A whole package for this low price is excellent. I am definitely going to try this.


New member
For people who have the rebranded version, will this get grandfathered to us?
I don't mind paying for the upgrade, but the $200 I spent on the past rebranded version, and still have a issue that was PM to admin.

The only problem I see with the email part, is a spam issue.
I think the training would be great.
Overall, it looks like a good program, just had that question on the previous version.
Also, I'm still waiting for response from admin on my issue with rebranding on the previous version with logo and links.

Larry M


Staff member
For people who have the rebranded version, will this get grandfathered to us?
I don't mind paying for the upgrade, but the $200 I spent on the past rebranded version, and still have a issue that was PM to admin.

The only problem I see with the email part, is a spam issue.
I think the training would be great.
Overall, it looks like a good program, just had that question on the previous version.
Also, I'm still waiting for response from admin on my issue with rebranding on the previous version with logo and links.

Larry M

Hey pal shoot guillermo a PM he will take care of you ;)


New member
Ok got the upgrade...but when I click the link to login to get download link...it loops me back to the sale offer page.

Also, do I have to uninstall the CP 2.0 first before doing an install?



Staff member
Ok got the upgrade...but when I click the link to login to get download link...it loops me back to the sale offer page.

Also, do I have to uninstall the CP 2.0 first before doing an install?


can you post a screen shot? so we can better help you?


New member
Sure but the image insert is asking for URL? I have the image resting on my Desktop sorry it's not letting me Browse to insert like normal. I cleared my cache as that was the previous issue moving from the CP1.0 to the 2.0 upgrade...but now for the Elite I cannot even get to the download link since the "Access Your Purchase" button in JVzoo is looping me to the Sales Page again.

My bad...it's not looping to the sales page, but a page that says Existing Members click here. Or New Members create a Login. SO when I click the Existing Members click here...that's when it loops me to the sales page. Sorry for the previous post
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New member
My bad...it's not looping to the sales page, but a page that says Existing Members click here. Or New Members create a Login. SO when I click the Existing Members click here...that's when it loops me to the sales page. Sorry for the previous post


New member
Ok so while waiting for a reply I figured I'd just Register as New Member for Elite...nope, says my email is already in the database so no go that way either. Can you just post the link to download the Elite update? Don't mind buying the updates and appreciate the great pricing, but man this challenge to get the download links each time is burning me a bit. Going to soak in the jacuzzi for awhile to soak my head and come back to this a little bit. BTW...I cleared my cache, using Mozilla etc. so now you have all the symptoms and I just need a download link please!

Cfor Chab

New member
Hi Guillermo,

Is this the same program that you had sent a week ago or an upgrade. It was about leadgen and crm system in one?
is that still available?


New member
I'm having the same problem. Can't get to a download link to save my life. I can't brelieve i'm buying software from a guy that has such a hard time making it easy for us to get to a download link :-(


New member
I'm having the same problem. Can't get to a download link to save my life. I can't believe i'm buying software from a guy that has such a hard time making it easy for us to get to a download link :-(
I'm writing this not to prohibit you from making your decision I'm just agreeing with what is already written by others here in this post of my past experience. I will state this vendor I have never had any issues with any refund request and so that is a GOOD thing! ; )

If your so sure this is not a beta stage product then I ask for 60 day guarantee without question for full refund.

I would have to concur with a couple of prior post here on their opinions and my opinion of past experienced of prior purchased from 1-3+yrs., having ignored support tickets on software from this vendor only to scrap prior software do to no replies back after the 30 days the support tickets are ignored and/or has an excuse of 3rd party issues many vendor's use to back out of their responsibilities.


New member
I haven't used Creative Post yet because I'm disconcerted. I mean to get around to it soon. That elite stuff looks l33t.

Guillermo Mata

Ok so while waiting for a reply I figured I'd just Register as New Member for Elite...nope, says my email is already in the database so no go that way either. Can you just post the link to download the Elite update? Don't mind buying the updates and appreciate the great pricing, but man this challenge to get the download links each time is burning me a bit. Going to soak in the jacuzzi for awhile to soak my head and come back to this a little bit. BTW...I cleared my cache, using Mozilla etc. so now you have all the symptoms and I just need a download link please!

Hey no worries on the previous post. Seems like you found a solution there on your end.
I'd try using another email if not let me know what happens. Im happy to help out.

G -

Guillermo Mata

Hi Guillermo,

Is this the same program that you had sent a week ago or an upgrade. It was about leadgen and crm system in one?
is that still available?

Hey chab,

This is an internal upgrade privately released. Which other are you looking for?

G -

Guillermo Mata

I'm having the same problem. Can't get to a download link to save my life. I can't brelieve i'm buying software from a guy that has such a hard time making it easy for us to get to a download link :-(

post some screen shots so i can better help or make a video.

I haven't seen any issues of this nature. let me know...



New member
Ok came back to this to see if anything has changed or been responded to but not yet. So here's more feedback in case others are having same issue. If anyone was able to download the Elite upgrade, please post how you did it.

I got the email below and when I clicked the link, takes me to a login screen, and when I use the permissions sent in that email...it just loops me to the sales page again.

Here's the email I got:
You have successfully registered as one of our CREATIVEPOST -ELITE members.

Please keep this information safe as it contains your username and password.

Your Membership Info:
U: (intentionally removed)
P: (intentionally removed)

Login URL: My Website ? Log In

Would like to get going with this GM....so please let me know how to hurdle this.

PS - already cleared cache...using Mozilla, AND tried using IE and got the same result...after logging in it loads your sales page again and no download link ability for the Elite is seen or available.


New member
Just picked it up and same issue for me. Just keep getting sent to the sales page. When I try to get in from my 2.0 login credentials I get sent to the OptimizePress gettint started page.


New member
I'm having the same issues, when I go to the Membership login page My Website ? Log In and input my username and password it redirects me to the Elite sales page. Have you even tried to test your login and download page for proper function, you have several people having the same issues. That should throw up a red flag. You know what, I will try to login in a different browser just to make sure it's not a problem on my end. Ok I tried with Firefox, Google Chrome and Internet Explorer all the same results. Here is a short video with Jing showing you when I login to members area it redirects me straight to the Craigslist Post Elite Sales Page. Click on this link to see what we all are talking about: 2015-04-19_1448 - webmarketing4wealth's library

Thanks and you can fix really soon, like yesterday.
