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Success is Mental, Not Technical

Jason Kanigan

New member
Many people think success is the result of a technical process. They figure if they can just learn and apply something, or "take action", they'll become a success. 'Fraid that just isn't so.

Of course, if you sit around and do nothing, you definitely will not succeed.

But success begins in the mind. You first have to BELIEVE you can succeed. The "Let me try this and see what happens" approach leads to the fizzle and death of so many IM businesses every day, yet few seem to learn from this. You must see the success BEFORE you begin.

If you are feeling "stuck", that there's nothing different you can do to grow your business or make money, you are mistaken. Your mind is actually the thing that is stuck. You have closed yourself off to all kinds of possibilities. Change your mind and you change your outcomes. The range of possible actions increases as you open your mind.

Consider: you want to grow your business. But you've been doing the same thing over and over again, hoping you'll do better. That same action, though, isn't taking you anywhere. You can't get a different result. Yeah, you might get more efficient with that one thing, but clearly it's not doing the job and so even though you're taking action, it's not the right action.

Change your thinking, though, and suddenly you have more options open to you. Yes, that person you want to JV with might turn you down, but why not ask? At least you'll find out the answer. Keep looking. Simply being open to looking at an old problem in a new light can bring you a new and more effective solution.
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