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When to book a cruise?


We're thinking of booking a cruise in February next year. We've never been on one before and wondered when/how is the best time to book. Are travel agents best or is it best to go the cruise line? How long in advance should we book?


It's true, there's no one-size-fits-all answer to when is the best time to book a cruise. It really depends on the itinerary and your preferences. Unusual or popular routes can sell out quickly, so booking early is wise. On the other hand, common routes might offer better discounts closer to the departure date.

If you're planning a special occasion or long-haul trip, it's probably best not to wait too long to book. Prices can fluctuate, so it's a good idea to keep an eye out for deals and promotions.

For those interested in cruises from Baltimore, cruisetimetables.com is a great resource. They provide detailed information on cruise schedules and destinations, helping you plan your next adventure.