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Selling my business


New member
I can't manage it anymore, it's getting out of my hands and I want to sell it. Can you guys give me some tips on selling businesses? Which is the fastest way to find a buyer?


New member
Recently my parent won the lotto and they decided to save the money and to invest them in order to make more. So they found a nice agency which includes experts in business sale agreements and asked them to find something profitable. My father started his dump truck business, he worked in this sphere more than 30 years so he is perfect for this. My mother has a cleaning agency as she was working as she was working as a maid in a hotel. I believe that they are gonna have success because they are not doing this for money. So you can try to find a website where you can sell your business to other people who are searchig for it.


New member
Recently my parent won the lotto and they decided to save the money and to invest them in order to make more. So they found a nice agency which includes experts in business sale agreements and asked them to find something profitable. My father started his dump truck business, he worked in this sphere more than 30 years so he is perfect for this. My mother has a cleaning agency as she was working as she was working as a maid in a hotel. I believe that they are gonna have success because they are not doing this for money. So you can try to find a website where you can sell your business to other people who are searchig for it.

That sounds really nice, the website with businesses is perfect to find something profitable!


New member
ISO 9001 is a worldwide framework that lays down the standards for quality management systems (QMS). Organizations that comply with ISO 9001 demonstrate to their customers that they are committed to providing goods and services that meet their needs. ISO 9001 is a useful method for better operating a quality management system. IQC The ISO Pros of Vermont in Stowe, Vermont (VT) can assist you in being ISO 9001 accredited by offering training and certification for your company.

iso 9001 vermont


New member
If in an offline business selling a ready-made business has become something of a habit, then selling an online business can be difficult due to the fact that it's not so common. Before selling your business, you need to correctly and accurately calculate its value. This is why a business audit is performed. I can advise you to read this article https://sage-audit.com/blog/how-to-conduct-an-audit-for-online-business/ so that you better understand how to evaluate the virtual assets of your business and what expenses for the development of your online store should be included in its cost.


Selling a ready-made business is quite a profitable option for those who want to develop a ready-made business. Despite this, the ready-made business also causes a lot of questions and problems, which you need to cope with. You can cooperate with other entrepreneurs and exchange experiences. The exchange of employees between partner countries is very common. By working in another country for a while, the employee gets a lot of valuable experience and knowledge. Every employee deserves to be paid according to work done and the hours worked. Many employers use the pro-rata salary calculator to make sure the wages are calculated correctly.


New member
I would like to buy such a business, but I do not know how to choose the right one and what to look for. Perhaps you can advise. I have enough theoretical knowledge, which cannot be said about practical.


For those who want to buy a ready-made business, you need to understand what criteria you should pay attention to. This option will save time and get an already functioning enterprise with a minimum of effort. The main thing is to know how to carefully check the business before buying to avoid burnout. You must check the company for debts to suppliers, staff, tax. Real financial performance may be worse than on paper. The equipment is old, the employees do not work well, and the goods are of poor quality, so this also needs to be checked. And most importantly, you need to conduct wealth management https://www.mcgeewm.com/wealth-management-portland-financial-advisor . For such a check, you may need the help of specialists. It is also worth paying attention to the reputation of the company. This can be found in the media. What business would you recommend buying?


New member
I, in turn, want to say that if your business has ceased to make a profit for you, then it is not at all necessary to close or sell it. Today, many successful companies use different automation systems. Pay attention to the сost effectiveness modellinghttps://digitalho.com/cost-effectiveness-modelling/ it will immediately identify all the problems that cause you losses and help you draw up a development plan. More detailed information can be found on the website. I am sure that you will be satisfied with the result.