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Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM and Maps with Teams integration is the future of business productivity


Statistics highlight that Microsoft Teams saw a surge in its use from 20 Million daily active users in 2019 to 75 Million in April 2020. The number is 280 million in 2023 and counting!

Intriguing Numbers, right?

The changing face of daily global and local web communication cannot be defined more evidently than this. Work From Anywhere and Hybrid Work Models have further deepened the existence and use of communications platforms like Microsoft Teams and others. Teams is among the global Top 5 in its category because of its extensive collaborative nature. Let us explore Teams’ uniqueness.

Microsoft Teams as a Global Collaborator

Not only daily one-on-one or Team meetings are conducted on Teams but so are office gatherings, events, ceremonies, family get-togethers, etc. Global Conferences have been a beloved form of networking for the Tech World. These too have shifted Online and experienced with zeal. Global travel has bounced back in the past 2 years, however, the existence of Online work modes or Online Conferences is now rooted in our systems.

With Teams, Microsoft facilitates several global collaborations. Off late, we have been hearing of many technical communities hosting events online or in a hybrid model using Microsoft Teams. Enthusiasts join in from different countries at the event location in person or via online meetings using Teams. 5 years back, this scale of a hybrid collaboration would have sounded too good to be true. Microsoft Teams definitely is a global leader in collaborations.

Integration between Microsoft Teams & Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM

Not just collaborating, Microsoft Teams also integrates with apps for better efficiency and output. It is said to offer integration with 600+ apps, and the number is fast growing. One such glorious integration of Microsoft Teams is with Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM, the go-to CRM application for several business organizations. It is one of the leading CRM providers in the industry with a market share of almost 75%. With interesting updates like accessing Dynamics 365 CRM records directly from Teams, connecting Teams chat to activities and CRM records, and Co-Pilot capabilities, this integration will take collaboration to the next level. Isn’t it cool and convenient? Get a glimpse of Microsoft Dynamics 365 + Teams integration benefits in one of our latest blogs.

Maps Integration within Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM and Microsoft Teams

80% of CRM Data has a locational component associated with it. Leveraging it helps in making effective business decisions. Maplytics by Inogic acts as a perfect add-on that enhances the quality of the insights derived from the location component. These enriched insights can then be analyzed and discussed in Team meetings offline or on Microsoft Teams and used for further strategizing. Maplytics is known for its seamless integration of Microsoft Dynamics 365 / Dataverse and Bing Maps. This integration empowers users with location intelligence enabling them to visualize records on maps, create sales territories, plot optimized travel routes, pre-schedule client meetings, and a lot more. With 10,000 + active users across continents, Maplytics is a leader in location intelligence. Thus, the integration of Teams with Dynamics 365 CRM brings the leading apps of –

  • Global Collaboration
  • Customer Relationship Management and
  • Location Intelligence

together on one platform and the expertise of all three can be exploited together.

Let us see how Maplytics can be accessed in Microsoft Teams using Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM (To get Maplytics for your Dynamics 365 CRM download free trial or email crm@inogic.com)

Steps for Integration-

1. Log in to Teams with your CRM credentials

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Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM and Maps with Teams integration is the future of business productivity


2. From the Apps section on the left add Dynamics 365 CRM.

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Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM and Maps with Teams integration is the future of business productivity


3. Once added, it can be pinned for easy access

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Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM and Maps with Teams integration is the future of business productivity


4. Maplytics resides within Dynamics 365 CRM and can be accessed through it

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Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM and Maps with Teams integration is the future of business productivity


Once the set-up is ready, all the features of Maplytics are available and can be accessed from Teams

Here is a scenario of how this integration can be used-

Consider a Sales Manager, John based in Austin has his Sales Rep, Sam in Staten Island. John is the Territory Manager of the sales Territory of Staten Island and Sam is the rep working in it.

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Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM and Maps with Teams integration is the future of business productivity


Both work closely on finding leads and cracking deals. Microsoft Teams is their go-to tool for regular contact. One such Friday, they were on a Teams call fixing up a meeting schedule for the upcoming week for Sam. John was sharing his screen.

“So, the new leads are ready for a Wednesday meeting. Will you be able to cover them all in a day?”, John asked. “Yes, if they are nearby”, Sam reverted. John opened the Radius Search feature, added Sam’s location as the current location, and added the distance she was comfortable traveling in terms of Radius. All the new leads fell within the travel distance.

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Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM and Maps with Teams integration is the future of business productivity



New member
As a newbie in the tech scene, stumbling upon this integration of Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM and Maps with Teams is fascinating! It seems like a game-changer, offering a seamless experience for users. The idea of merging CRM data with location intelligence within Teams opens up a world of possibilities for enhanced collaboration and productivity. I'm curious to hear what others think about this innovation. Also, if you're interested in exploring more about tech integrations and innovations, check out praemando.com for some insightful reads! Let's dive into this discussion and share our thoughts!