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Long tail keyword suggestions tool free


Staff member
Does any one know of a free long tail keyword suggestions tool? it must be free with out captcha.



New member
I'm yet to find one. But almost all the Long Tail Keyword Research tools that are out there offer free trials.

Long Tail Pro has a free one-month trial. Market Samurai has too and this one that I recently learned about - HitTail has one too.

So use them all and you have about 3 months worth of free long tail keyword research tools with you.

But they come with limited features, obviously. The most important feature that is taken away is the ability to find out the amount of Competition that the keyword has. But if you are generating a list of, say, a 1000 keywords or so, you might as well take everything that the tools can suggest and not refine them according to the competition. Competition is important when you are trying to find a micro-niche and want to build a site around it.


New member
I'm yet to find one. But almost all the Long Tail Keyword Research tools that are out there offer free trials.

Long Tail Pro has a free one-month trial. Market Samurai has too and this one that I recently learned about - HitTail has one too.

So use them all and you have about 3 months worth of free long tail keyword research tools with you.

But they come with limited features, obviously. The most important feature that is taken away is the ability to find out the amount of Competition that the keyword has. But if you are generating a list of, say, a 1000 keywords or so, you might as well take everything that the tools can suggest and not refine them according to the competition. Competition is important when you are trying to find a micro-niche and want to build a site around it.

I am also on the way of finding free long trail keyword suggestion tool. I will share immediately when I find one. Until then we all should try those keyword suggestion tools as boyuancy suggested.


New member
You can use Long Tail Pro and Market Samurai for free one-month trial. You can also Google AdWords for finding Long tail keyword suggestions. I have found it helpful. You can try this. If you need any help about it, just let me know. I am ready to help you.


New member
You can use Long Tail Pro and Market Samurai for free one-month trial. You can also Google AdWords for finding Long tail keyword suggestions. I have found it helpful. You can try this. If you need any help about it, just let me know. I am ready to help you.

Well, Rasel, I have also tried google adwords once but don't know how to use it effectively. I need your help regarding choosing keywords for my blog. Details on what help I need is available over here


New member
If you want to use it properly you should know about different factors of it. If you open the google adwords, you will find a window. At the top of the window you need to select the keyword tool.
Then you will see the blank space for typing your niche and you can use many of them at a time by using ENTER here. You will find also some options as like Category, advanced options , you need set these as you like.

In the left portion you will find a option named "match type", you can choose them by your need. You can choose "phrase", if you need to find long tail keyword. You can choose them all at a time for getting better result.

In the right portion you will find a option below the"about this data" named "columns". There are many important options for you. I hope if you try this. This will help you to find good keywords for your blog. Let me know if you need anything to know about it.