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Job in Nigeria


New member
What are the most valuable career skills to have as a woman in Nigeria to get a good job?


New member
Women are good at organization.

Women are good at planning.

Women are better at understanding people than men are.

I say this because based on observations you can find women in Office Manager roles, Non-technical manager roles, finance, accounting, law, HR, etc. What we in Nigeria call the “arts” subjects. Let me tell you what most women don’t have in Nigeria, (another generalization)

Many women in Nigeria have no technical skills.

Learn a technical skill, people think I’m talking about IT when I say that. Let me be clear… I am talking about IT skills but those are not the only type of skills, there are skills such as media skills, engineering, etc. However, the easiest to get into and the most relevant in he Nigerian economy right now. IT Skills; Networks, Coding in any language, MS Office, Special Software related to your job.


New member
Hard skills, like I call them, can be
- Languages — having knowledge of more than one major language will do wonders for your career.
- Core Computer skills — you will need it for almost all jobs — HR (managing employee records, payroll, reports and interfacing between management and staff), Admin, Operations. More so if you want to go into core IT jobs.
- Accounting and financial management skills will be handy if you wish to go that way.
You can check relevant vacancies via internet, for example with Jobsora https://ng.jobsora.com/jobs-kano-state just type job tiltle and choose the city.