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I finally got access to the Classified Ad Reply software but it's not sending replies


New member
I just downloaded the software and tried to use it

I created email to send.
I did the setting with my Gmail login info, The info was saved.
I put in 100 for the number of results to pull.
I picked my category and clicked on import.

Got back almost 100 results and checked all then hit auto send button,
all the check boxes went unchecked then I got a pop-up saying "Replied to 0 items".

The software is not sending any replies.:angry:


New member
Technology has made things more defined and developed. People lack awareness about the latest technology that is mandatory to be successful. This edubirdie review is really helpful to the all students getting many new ideas. Red Torrent Media is doing the best services to provide the technological basis.
Just purchased the topic and not off to an extraordinary begin. 1, how would you modify logo estimate in the header? ought to be basic however can't discover anything in the Theme settings. 2. When you show up 'Modify' they don't refresh in the review, is this a bug?


New member
My mates read your article recently, and they want to ask you a few things. They are busy working on their se.altomergepdf.com project, so they asked me to ask you their questions. Will you answer the questions please?