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Can a foreigner start a business in Dubai?


New member
Yes and its very easy for anyone with money to invest.
There are good opportunities to explore for business and you get your trade license after you pay the fees. Just find a good sponsor whom you need to pay 51% for running your business. Rest if you have good money and want a stable business, go to Europe.


New member
I also wonder if I can start a business in Dubai as a citizen of another country. Thanks in advance for your answers!


New member
I also wonder if I can start a business in Dubai as a citizen of another country. Thanks in advance for your answers!
Hey! Yes, foreigners can start a business in Dubai. The Dubai government offers various business ownership options, including setting up a company in an ifza free zone or partnering with a local Emirati sponsor for mainland operations. Free zones provide attractive benefits like 100% foreign ownership, tax exemptions, and simplified company registration processes. Mainland operations require a local Emirati sponsor or a service agent, but recent changes have allowed for greater control and protection of foreign business interests.