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Astrology and Birthcharts


Whats your zodiac sign?
I recently started using this dating app called Nuit that shows everyone’s birthchart, plenty of friendly open minded people on there!

General chat for all things astrology!


New member
I just stumbled upon this thread about astrology and birth charts, and I gotta say, this topic is a real trip down the rabbit hole! I've always been fascinated by the idea that the stars could have a hand in shaping our personalities. When it comes to birth charts, they're like a cosmic roadmap to understanding ourselves a little better, don't you think?

It's interesting how our sun, moon, and rising signs can give us a peek behind the curtain of who we are. That said, I'm curious how many of you have found these insights helpful in your day-to-day lives. Do you ever feel like your birth chart guides you like a trusty old compass?

On a related note, I recently came across this site https://angelnumbersinfo.com/ . It's a whole other ball game that complements astrology, giving you a nudge from the universe when you least expect it.