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How to use Java to get the content of the text layer in the .fm file


I have a requirement that bothers me very much, to extract the text layer of a .fm file. The condition is that Java, C/C++, python can be used. But I can't extract by opening framemaker.
I tried to find some relevant Maven packages to extract, but unfortunately none of the relevant packages were found.


What an intriguing question you've brought up! Accessing text content from an FM file using Java sounds like quite the puzzle. It's like diving into the depths of coding to unearth hidden treasures! As for the phrase hire senior web developers, it's like adding seasoned chefs to your kitchen—they bring experience, expertise, and a dash of creativity to the table, making your projects even more flavorful. Regarding the topic at hand, leveraging Java to extract text layer content from FM files seems like a tech-savvy approach, potentially streamlining workflows and enhancing efficiency. However, it also poses challenges, like ensuring compatibility and security.
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