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Handing flyers to local businesses!

Guillermo Mata


So I've tested handing flyers out to offline businesses in my (local area0
and I've converted pretty well.

But whats working for you guys out there? have you tried marketing with flyers...

what was your turn out? Any new ideas or tricks?


New member
I haven't tried marketing by flyers but I'm planning to. :)

You see I created an online community directory blog last year just for fun and after a few months it started to get pretty good traffic even though I haven't started any SEO or any online marketing yet. And seeing the opportunity, I'm now planning to start focusing on its development, hopefully by next month. And I think that marketing by flyers can help me in my info/marketing campaign.

So my plan is to create two types of flyers, one flyer for business owners and another one for residents.

The flyer for business owners is a sort of an invitation for them to include their business/products/etc for free in my blog. This way I get to have blog content and at the same time have the opportunity to create new connections in the community. I can also offer web development & online marketing services to business owners who are interested to market their products on the internet.

The flyer for residents is almost the same thing. I can help them announce to the community (via the blog) any garage sales, special gatherings, and other events that they want - for free.

My only concern with this plan is - do I hand the flyer myself or just send it via registered mail (coz' I'm a bit shy :eek:)


New member
I am not sure there as great way to get the flyiers out there. Handing them out yourself is the best as then you can address any questions that come up.


New member
I think it will help few to marketing your business locally. I think it works, as long as you're focusing on businesses that are interested in your services, and the flyers are relatively appealing and have obvious call to actions, decent copyrighting etc. A flyer in itself may effect in very few sales. You can add one element to it that will help if you don't wanna cold call yourself.


New member
You could be surprised oh how flyers can help a business. I have seen business double their business just by handing out flyers as the business was new in the neighborhood and people really had no idea what they did. When they handed out flyers people noticed that they provided a service that way needed.


New member
Thanks a lot for your informative post. In case of Handing flyers should I follow some rules? Any kind of ideas or suggestions for this? Also please tell me the about the ideal format (properties) of a flyer Please share your experiences.:)


New member
I would also like to recommend you to make some promo items to give them to your customers. I think some Lapel Pins will work nicely for this purpose. I really like them too and I often make them for marketing my small business. Think about it ;)