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Why Is Instagram Banning Me For Making A New Account?


I have never used Instagram before, I only made a brand new account and it no activity on it yet Instagram suspended my account accusing me of violating their community guidelines and asked me to upload a photo of myself holding a piece of paper with my full name, username and a code (which I did) and they refused to give me back my account. I really do not understand why they did this to me, I am very confused about this. I tried signing up again and it did the same thing again so I tried signing up on using my friend's phone and BOOM! SAME EXACT THING! Can anyone explain to me why this has happened? I have no criminal records, I have never ever done anything bad on other social media accounts (Twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp etc) and for some reason Instagram keep banning me for no valid reasons. Like I said, this is my first time creating an account with Instagram, I never used Instagram before and all the accounts I tried making were brand new and had no activity on them so the admins had no reason to ban me. Why is this happening? The reason I am frustrated and wanted to make an account so much is because I want to grow my business, I design and sell artwork online and I want to expand my business on other platforms and I see no harm in it since it has no nudity or any other offensive themes.


When I faced a similar issue, turns out it was related to some glitches in Instagram's algorithm. Have you tried reaching out to their support? Meanwhile, ever thought about giving your new account a little boost? I once explored the idea of Instagram buy likes, and it helped my content get noticed. It's like a kickstart for your posts.