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Social Media Marketing specific tactics


Hello. I am doing research for my Social Media Marketing Agency so I can best serve my future clients.
I will be specializing particularly in prospect engagement for Toyota dealerships, but I am eager to hear answers from other perspectives as well.

How did you get the best results for car dealerships with social media marketing?
What offers have you run that converted well?
What sort of pictures/videos, what sort of text, worked well for you and delivered the dealership the best results?
What was the overall marketing strategy?

Thank you for your time and I'm looking forward to your responses.


Sounds like you're gearing up for some exciting work with your Social Media Marketing Agency, and it's great that you're focusing on prospect engagement for Toyota dealerships.

In terms of specific tactics, I'd recommend tailoring content to the local market, highlighting Toyota's unique features, and using geo-targeted ads. And don't forget to utilize influencers if that suits your strategy!

Also, while we're on the topic, has anyone found success with acquiring the cheapest Twitter followers?