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Pet cam needed


New member
Folks, I ask you to recommend a pet camera with good speakers, the one that would afford to transmit a clear sound and my pets could hear it properly. I am often away from home so this would let me take control over my dogs and cat.

Frank Harper

New member
I had to change my smart home cam to a new one because of bad voice transmission. Pets couldn't recognize my voice until I bought and installed Homam. Now I can remotely control my lil pets.

Frank Harper

New member
Homams are significant in their continuous recording and special features, such as built-in memory, encrypted data & convenient mobile app.


New member
I have two cats and I let them be in my house for the whole day, while I am at the university. I don’t see a problem in letting them free in the house. It is actually great to teach them that it is not correct to be on the table or to pee where they shouldn’t. I love them so much and I ordered for them a special furniture so they are very happy to play with them, to scratch them or to sleep on them. You may see modern cat furniture reviews here. it was this link that inspired me to buy it.


New member
I have two cats and I let them be in my house for the whole day, while I am at the university. I don’t see a problem in letting them free in the house. It is actually great to teach them that it is not correct to be on the table or to pee where they shouldn’t. I love them so much and I ordered for them a special furniture so they are very happy to play with them, to scratch them or to sleep on them. You may see modern cat furniture reviews here. it was this link that inspired me to buy it.

they look great. thank you :)


New member
The Furbo Dog Camera is as functional as it is fun, letting you check on your pet and give it treats no matter where you are. I think this one is the best. Even I have found one website Pet Meds Online for the required medicines and vaccines for my dog. Now the grooming of pets is really easier.
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A pet cam is essential for keeping a close eye on your furry friends when you're away. Get your pet cam today at https://jelio.pet/. With advanced features and real-time streaming, this pet cam ensures you never miss a moment. Stay connected to your pets, soothe their anxiety, and enjoy peace of mind wherever you are.