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Meal prep service: any advice?


Hi all
I am doing my Masters here in Canada and I find it very much difficult to cooking on a daily basis because of my tight schedule. I have a part time job and I am also engaged in fitness activities too. I would like to know about meal-prep service and, details like how much does it cost, How should I keep those meals safely in the fridge etc.. Hope you can help me in this..

Thank you


Where in Canada are you? The services available to you will be very different in, say, Toronto or Vancouver than they would be in, say, Dryden or Sioux Lookout.


I also rely on zip-top bags and a Sharpie for labeling—lifesavers, right? I especially love your idea of freezing the sauce ingredients on a flat tray to save space. I do something similar and it makes stacking in the freezer a breeze. Plus, defrosting is so much quicker when everything is flat and evenly frozen. I’m a big fan of prepping large batches of protein as well. It's amazing how a bit of planning can lead to crafting culinary delights, one recipe at a time. I usually spend a Sunday afternoon cooking up a storm, then freeze individual portions. It feels like I'm giving my future self a little gift every time I pull a meal out of the freezer. If you're looking for more tips and tricks, I've found some great ideas on CooksCrafter.com. It's been a fantastic resource for me.