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Help finding jobs to apply for.


I'm a fresh full-stack web developer bootcamp grad looking for freelance work. I've made a fiverr profile and created my "gig". I would like to browse buyer requests and find some that look doable. I'm a full stack developer with intermediate, not advanced, skills. I cannot for the life of me find where Fiverr is hiding the "browse buyer requests" link. I'm frustrated. Thanks.


New member
For Fiverr, finding buyer requests can be a bit tricky. Have you tried clicking on the "Selling" tab? That's where I stumbled upon it.

By the way, your skills as a full-stack developer, even at an intermediate level, are valuable. I remember starting out and feeling the same way. Once, a mentor shared a similar platform with me, highlighting how flexible skills like .net react developer can open doors. It's crazy how a small skillset tweak can lead to unexpected opportunities.
I'm graduating soon with a marketing degree, and feeling a bit lost on where to start.

While scouring job boards feels like searching for a needle in a haystack, the idea of Apply for an Internship to gain some real-world experience is intriguing. It might be a good way to get my foot in the door and learn the ropes from the pros.

On the other hand, jumping right into a full-time gig could be a chance to hit the ground running and start building my career path.

Anyone out there have advice for a fresh graduate like me? Is it better to hone my skills with an internship or should I go straight for the gold with a full-time position?