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Cleveland: Downtown: Jack Cleveland Casino - Phase 2


I think it could be time for a Phase 2 thread.

One thing that I hope for phase 2 is that they build with the river in mind.

Here is another extension to a possible boardwalk plan.

I think it would be a good idea to continue the boardwalk over there, and have the Casino be built along the boardwalk, with either retail or restaurants built in the casino facing outward along the boardwalk, with a casino entrance up to the gambling floors. The only issue is whether Sherwin Williams would allow a boardwalk to be built through their property.

From the casino website:

"As a truly urban casino, plans call for the development to include outward facing restaurants and retail to engage pedestrians and support existing cultural, nightlife and sports attractions downtown"

Cleveland could have something really special if they decided to build a large boardwalk along the river. Starting at the eastbank and connecting it to the Casino as well as Rivergate park.


New member
Your idea is genius! Imagine the vibe with restaurants and retail facing out – pure perfection! I hope Sherwin Williams is on board. Fingers crossed for Cleveland's special riverside casino dream! I hope it will be as thrilling as my favorite casino (Best Online Casino Malaysia). Good luck!