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Are you new? So stay away from trading.


If you take trading for granted you will lose a lot of money because it is not as easy as investing or gambling. Becoming a smart trader takes a lot of practice and can take years. Your feedback will be important to new crypto users.


New member
Great advice here! Diving into both trading and investing is like testing the waters – find what floats your boat! Understanding the ropes on both ends lets you pick what suits you best. And if the waves get too wild, there's always the safe harbor of long-term investment. Btw, have you given login quotex a shot? Might just be the compass you need in this financial sea!
Absolutely, couldn't agree more! Trading isn't a walk in the park; it's a skill that requires dedication and practice. I learned this the hard way when I first dipped my toes into the crypto world. However, along the way, I stumbled upon some fascinating tools, like quantum AI technology - https://quantumai.com.co , that helped me navigate the markets more intelligently.
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